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Our Team


Board of Directors


Jacoby has a desire to be involved in, and rally support for, all things venture philanthropy - a faithful investment in the well-being of others.  Doubtlessly seeking adventure and ever an idealist, he seeks opportunities for Irrevocable Goodness!


Jacoby has worked in the field of medicine for the last 13 years.  He is a board certified emergency physician working in rural and urban emergency settings.  He has held many leadership positions including Regional Director or Emergency Medicine, Director of Trauma, and Chief Medical Officer for a 300 provider group of physicians and advanced level practitioners.  Additionally, he maintains advanced training in the practice of Wilderness and Austere Medicine.  With intentional diversion of his career, Jacoby is now on to a passion project...a desire to seek goodness for all.  


Chief Executive Officer


Two things Alisa loves are people and talking! She is excited that Irrevocable Goodness culminates her strengths and allows her the opportunity to meet people of all backgrounds, share good news, and help others do the same!


Alisa has over 18 years experience in teaching music in the public and private sectors. She holds a Masters Degree in Music Education from Northern Arizona University as well as Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development (CLAD) certification.   Her love for learning and educating family and friends in nutrition and "all things food" led her to further her education career as a certified Nutritional Therapy Practioner.    

Our Board of Directors


Heidi Allen MD

Heidi loves to laugh. Giggle really. She inspires “giggle” in those around her. It allows her to quickly form and foster positive relationships with family, friends, colleagues, and her patients. She is excited to enkindle this character into Irrevocable Goodness! 

Heidi is a family medicine physician in a rural community where she has worked for the past 10 years. She has a particular interest in preventive medicine and geriatric medicine. Providing primary care in a small community poses special challenges inviting the unexpected and promoting unconventional solutions.

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Mike Grill

An adventure seeker at heart, Mike is thrilled to be bringing his expertise, resourcefulness, and genuine compassion into the ventures of Irrevocable Goodness.  Mike is an instant ally.  He continuously seeks to create and foster organic connections.  He invites opportunities to courageously pursue goodness in social, economic, and cultural dynamics.

Mike has worked academically and professionally as an Aquatic Ecologist and Fisheries Biologist for over 10 years. He received a Master’s Degree in Biology from California State University - Fresno. He has filled various positions from Student Research Assistant to lead Principal Investigator. He currently conducts research on adult Chinook Salmon in one of California’s largest salmon restoration programs. Recognizing that the skills and knowledge acquired for his professional career reach far beyond the aquatic environment; he desires to apply them in new environments that cultivate and sustain goodness.


Patricia Wagner

Patricia spends her life chasing and enabling “light-bulb moments” in those around her. Whether it’s helping a student to solve

an equation or freshly notice goodness in their world – these moments fuel Patricia’s passion for education.

Patricia uses her Master of Teacher Education and Bachelors of Science in Mathematics to open doors to serve both public and private sectors. Her experience includes 20 plus years pursuing excellence in education as an adjunct professor of mathematics, middle and high school math teacher, private tutor, and homeschooler of her own children. Her more recent adventures involve creating and overseeing a homeschool pod where she

supports parents and students alike as they navigate our ever-changing world. She is excited that Irrevocable Goodness can both feed her own love of learning and open a new channel for those light-bulb moments to be sparked!

Our Advisory Panel

John Wagner

John is known for his hands-on approach to loving people.  He passionately seeks to explore new areas, meet new people, and face new challenges.  He is often drawn to the overlooked, vulnerable, and under-dog people groups.  You can find him sharing irrevocable goodness in many roles.  He is the pastor of a vibrant church body in Central Oregon, serves the incarcerated population at the county jail, and is a member of a local Search and Rescue team.  John brings unique insight and knowledge resulting from years spent in the ranching, logging, and automotive industries.

In moments of spare time, you will find John close to creation; digging a clam, searching for a delicious mushroom, matching wits with a bull elk, or sitting in wonder on some ridge top.  He is excited to work along side Irrevocable Goodness - always looking above to give hope to others and looking around to give help to others.

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Stacey Grill

Stacey enjoys to spend time with family and friends and meeting new people along the way.  Stacey loves the phrase "better together". Building connections and lifelong relationships is one of the most important facets of life.  We are definitely better together.

Stacey has worked behind the chair as a hair stylist for over 20 years during which she has fostered many close relationships.  With prayer, she has found that God is leading her in another career direction to start a new chapter within the nursing profession.  Throughout education and career; compassionate interaction, connection to people, and encouraging others has still proven to be most valued.

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Carey Allen, MD

Carey is the Director of Primary Care for a large healthcare system serving 6 geographically and economically distinct communities in Central Oregon. He is actively involved in medical student education and enjoys teaching at his church as well. He is interested in providing sustainable care to underserved populations through healthcare education and lifestyle modification. 

He has always been apt to explore and try new things. He loves spending time with his family, fishing and hiking, usually trying to find new spots on the river. He relishes the time when he can travel.  In travel he’s found that while the world contains seemingly innumerable peoples, they are a collection of individuals influenced by the smallest of changes that can produce immeasurable good in their own lives and the lives of their communities!

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